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الثلاثاء، 31 يناير 2023

Choumicha - Les Viennoiseries et Pains

Choumicha - Pastries and Breads

Choumicha - Viennese Pastries and Breads

- Book presents 30 recipes,

- French language ,

- In the form: PDF,

- Volume: 31.53 MB

- to download this book for free click on the button above:
cliquer ici pour un téléchargement gratuit de ce livre

Summary : 

- Smoked turkey and cheddar croissants,
- Rolls with cream of chicken and tarragon,
- Rolled bread with tapenade and tuna,
- Croissants filled with almonds,
- Chocolate buns,
- Schneiks,
- Salty Croissants,
- Almond Braids,
- buns,
- Citrus buns,
- Chocolate and raisin buns,
- Kh'bizates bel kefta,
- Brioches with almond cream and raisins,
- Shah'da,
- Bread with black olives,
- Honey breads,
- Baguettes with dried tomatoes,
- Garlic bread,
- Herb breads,
- Bread with orange peel and dried apricots,
- Bread with anise,
- Bread with almonds and raisins,
- Fougasses.


جميع الحقوق محمية لأصحابها، اذا رأيت كتاب له حقوق ملكية فضلا اضغط هنا و بلغنا فورا.


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