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الأربعاء، 1 فبراير 2023

Choumicha - Les Entrées

Choumicha - Starters

Choumicha - Starters

- Book presents 30 recipes,

- French language ,

- In the form: PDF,

- Size: 6.43MB

- to download this book for free click on the button above:

Click here for a free download of this book

 Summary :

- Turkey breast and steamed vegetables,
- mimosa hearts of palm,
- Stuffed with fish cabbage,
- Foie m'chermel with Figs,
- Steamed vegetable planter,
- Maaqouda with fish,
- Maaqouda with vegetables,
- Peppers marinated in feta and black olives 
- Marinated artichoke salad,
- Chicory salad ,
- Orange salad with black olives,
- Beqoula salad (purple),
- Beet salad with apples,
- Fennel salad with orange and pineapple,
- Bean sprout salad,
- Vegetable salad with anchovies,
- Corn salad with avocado,
- Melon Salad ,
- Sweet potato salad with sauce,
- Pasta salad ,
- Tuna peach salad,
- Salad of peas in sauce,
- Turnip salad with sauce,
- Potato salad with mushrooms,
- Rice salad with corn and tuna,
- Mixed salad ,
- Grated carrot salad with banana,
- Rich salad,
- Eggplant slices with tomato confit,
- Carrot zaalouk,
- Zaâlouk of grilled vegetables.


جميع الحقوق محمية لأصحابها، اذا رأيت كتاب له حقوق ملكية فضلا اضغط هنا و بلغنا فورا.


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